Tuesday 27 November 2018

Food, Ingloriously

People have been asking about my allergies and the new things I find difficult to eat since my stomach decided that it was going to stop working properly (yay Ehlers Danlos). Also: they won’t fit on most standard forms, so I figured I’d put together a post and just link people to it. Easy.


Eggs (including mayonnaise)
Nuts (including almonds and pine nuts; severely allergic to pecans)
Seafood (all fish and shellfish)
Beans/ peas/ lentils (most pulses/ legumes; please note exceptions: soya, carageenan, black bean and locust bean are fine)
Peanuts (violently allergic)
Carob (also E410)


Acidic substances (fruits are tricky, especially fresh fruit (dried is often okay), and I specifically can’t have much tomato or citrus; onion also appears to be problematic in quantity)*
Strong spices (especially chilli)
Monosodium Glutamate (E621/ MSG)*
Aspartame/ Akesulfame K (E590/ E591)*
Sodium Metabisulphite (E223)
Sulphur Dioxide
Tartrazine (E102)*
Quinoline Yellow (E104)
Sunset Yellow FCF; Orange Yellow S (E110)*

(The intolerances aren’t going to kill me if I have them, but the ones with the * will definitely make my experience unpleasant!)