I forgot an important one in the previous post about this - 6. Go dancing
Have you ever seen me dancin/ You know: really dancin? I used to be a monster on the dancefloor - I flailed, leapt, and spun like I was touched by the divine. I don't even know if it was any good, I just know that I loved it, and people used to remark on it, and I used to go hardcore clubbing at least twice a week in my 20s, because, well, I was in my 20s, I guess! :)
When you're pretty much straight-edge (except, you know, for the bigotry and the celibacy), dancing is the best thing.
Okay, the second-best thing.
So I want to get back to a club like Slimelight and be able to pogo and flail like I honestly don't care, and for my knees (and lungs, and heart) not to give out on me.
Timeline: March/ April 2014
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