To be fair, if I’d tried to do this last week, I’d have broken myself. My joints were all kinds of progesterone-overload floppy and hurt like the devil. For various reasons, I wasn’t able to go to the gym on Wednesday, and compromised by walking home. 2.1 miles of limping, bitching, spasming and misaligning later (it took me 50 minutes, though this included shopping for food) and I was entertaining my first serious doubts that I’d be able to do The Walk at all.
Well, thank goodness for the bit where the progesterone runs out, eh?
I’d run out of decent excuses, and today I decided that I was tired of the crappy ones and, after running a surprisingly successful (if somewhat truncated) poetry workshop, I came home, ate and drank a little, and put on my walking hat (it’s the same as my poetry hat, and my going to work hat, but ssshh). Okay, between the sandwich and the hat there was some gaming, but I did it.
Did what?
I set off to walk to Milton Country Park from my house, wander around it a little, then come home. I hoped to make it to as much of four miles as possible, without stopping.
And did you do it?
It would appear so. According to my Google tracking app, I walked 4.34 miles in 1:06 hours. This included pauses for: waiting to cross busy roads, getting a bit lost in the Park, taking photos, and buying some flavoured water for the journey home.
So it wasn’t exactly non-stop, then?
Piffle - mere details. :) I paused occasionally, but I stayed on my feet.
Speaking of which...?
Sore. The right foot is more sore than the left, possibly because it was taking more weight in order to deal with the Really Bad Knee (left one) complaining. By the time I was down to half a mile to go, I was limping somewhat. My right ankle is, similarly, not impressed with me. We shall see what else washes up tomorrow...
What else?
Well, I did get thirsty, but not as much as I would have anticipated (mind, it was dusk by the time I got to the Park, and I’d drunk a little water beforehand, as well as staying reasonably well hydrated through the day). I finished the 500ml fruity water bottle before I got home, though - so I was obviously some thirsty...! I was overheating in my various outdoor layers by the time I was limping, but again less than anticipated (see: dusk into night-time travelling), and it gives me some clues for how to dress on the day. It’ll be a 10:30am start. Yeesh.
What worked well?
Eating a light meal with a little water an hour before setting out. Wearing layers that could be opened to let the air circulate. Allowing myself a drink after 45 minutes. Listening to music for the first part, then listening to birdsong for the rest of it. Taking photos.
Photos? Really?
What was less awesome?
I’m still trying to make up my mind whether it was easier or harder doing this long walk by myself than with someone else. I don’t think there’ll be anyone physically with me on the day, by the sound of it, and, let’s face it, an old and not entirely groovy part of me is just fine with that. On the other hand, all you lovely valedictorian friends make this entire effort seem all that much more worthwhile with your kind and thoughtful words and praise. I am officially confused. Maybe I should eat more cheese.
I also forgot to stretch when I came back in, though I did sit my arse down in a comfy chair pretty much immediately, which was a good thing. And got given cheerleading, which is always nice. And then I did stretching later.
And how does this all make you feeel?
Well, far more confident, and less like I’ve tricked people into sponsoring me money. Cautiously optimistic about recovery from The Walk (all dependent on tomorrow’s news). Determined to do things right - basically, more of the good stuff I’ve been doing already, and less messing about and coming up with excuses. Also: stretch.
The other advice I’ve received, but which I’d already determined on anyway was: rest before The Walk itself. Do very little (though I will be doing physio) the week before the event. This sounds sound, I just need to persuade myself that I’m Doing The Right Thing and not slacking.
So that’s it, really. Hi, I’m back. And the exercise bike won’t know what’s hit it, the next time I lay legs on it.
And yeah: thanks for all the encouraging Tweets and Facebook "likes" when I said I was going to do today’s dry run. Y’all are lovely.
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